Atrium Lounge

Atrium Lounge is famous for its Sushi platter including vegetarian and non vegetarian in its unique style. Its also serve verity of sandwich with fillings and stylish dressing, toping etc. You have a choice to make your own bread and sandwich which you like. This lounge is also offers varieties of teas including orthodox teas, ayurvadic teas etc. Also serve verity of coffees. In this lounge you find cocktail menu different with ayuh liquid cocktails, congnacs, single malts, martinis, twist with mojitos etc. and you also find world's most famous cigars like Partagas P Serie No.2, Partags D Series 1,2 etc. and many more cigars
So, what are you waiting for land up in The Taj, Atrium Lounge at Bandstand, Bandra (W), Mumbai and have a enjoy your evening with it. Lastly its costly very costly but its worth.
hey there, I have been reading your blog for a bit.
I should be in Mumbai in a month or so and would like your advice.
What are the best Bars / nightclubs?
I come from Paris, France and I am 35.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Mumbai rocks. I am sure you have not explored all the bars in mumbai, have a look.
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